Wikipedia:Manual of Style Wikipedia

Dialogue Punctuation University Writing & Speaking Center University of Nevada, Reno

In the Scheme,[53] Julia,[54] and Ruby programming languages, “!” is conventionally the suffix for functions and special forms that mutate their input. In the IRC protocol, a user’s nickname and ident are separated by an exclamation mark in the hostmask assigned to him or her by the server. In linear logic, the exclamation mark denotes one of the modalities that control weakening and contraction. The apostrophe ⟨’⟩, sometimes called inverted comma in British English, is used to mark possession, as in “John’s book”, and to mark letters omitted in contractions, such as you’re for you are. Names in languages with no particular present-day or historical ties to the place in question (English excepted, of course) should not be listed as alternatives.

As noted above, in some older texts, the quotation mark is repeated every line, rather than every paragraph. French news sites such as Libération, Les Échos and Le Figaro do not add manual spacing, leaving it up to localization and the browser to space the guillemets properly. Verdana, were not designed with the flexibility to use an English left quote as a German right quote.

Finally, there remains the problem of whether to put other punctuation

marks inside or outside the quotation marks. There are two schools of thought

on this, which I shall call the logical view and the conventional view. The curved apostrophe is the same character as the closing single quote.[103] “Smart quotes” features wrongly convert initial apostrophes (as in ’tis, ’em, ’til, and ’89) into opening single quotes. (An example of this error appears in the advertisements for the television show ‘Til Death.) The two very different functions of this character can cause confusion, particularly in British styles,[g] in which single quotes are the standard primary. The Unicode mapping for PostScript Standard Encoding preserves the typographic approximation convention by mapping its equivalent of ASCII grave and single-quote to the Unicode curly quotation mark characters. The typesetting application TeX uses this convention for input files.

You see it is made by placing a little crooked mark over a period…. The name of this mark is the Question Mark, because it is always put after a question. allows you to interact and chat with various AI-generated characters. You can create your own characters or interact with pre-built characters that were created by other users. You do need to register a free account to get full access to the character chats. The conversation experience is very fluid and life-like, and can provide a lot of fun and interesting exchanges!

Russian orthography was simplified by unifying several adjectival and pronominal inflections, conflating the letter ѣ (Yat) with е, ѳ with ф, and і and ѵ with и. Additionally, the archaic mute yer became obsolete, including the ъ (the “hard sign”) in final position following consonants (thus eliminating practically the last graphical remnant of the Old Slavonic open-syllable system). As in many languages, the spelling was formerly quite more phonemic and less consistent. However, the influence of the major grammarians, from Meletius Smotrytsky (1620s) to Lomonosov (1750s) to Grot (1880s), ensured a more careful application of morphology and etymology.

However, most editions of classical texts published since the 1930s are punctuated with fully modern punctuation (or at least using the modern equivalents of the traditional judou marks). In massively multiplayer online (MMO) games such as World of Warcraft, an exclamation mark hovering over a character’s head is often used to indicate that they are offering a quest for the player to complete. The exclamation mark can be used in video games to signify that a character is startled or alarmed. In the Metal Gear and Paper Mario series, an exclamation mark appears over enemies’ heads when they notice the player. Some authors, most notably Tom Wolfe, are known for unashamedly liberal use of the exclamation mark. In comic books, the very frequent use of exclamation mark is common—see Comics, below.

Editors may use either convention so long as each article is internally consistent. Serial commas are more helpful when article text is complex, such as a list with multi-word items (especially if one contains its own “and”) or a series of probably unfamiliar terms. When quoting a complete sentence, it is usually recommended to keep the first word capitalized. However, if the quoted passage has been integrated into the surrounding sentence (for example, with an introduction such as “X said that”), the original capital letter may be lower-cased. However, national varieties should not be changed, as these may involve changes in vocabulary. For example, a quotation from a British source should retain British spelling, even in an article that otherwise uses American spelling.

Editors should write articles using straightforward, succinct, easily understood language and structure articles with consistent, reader-friendly layouts and formatting (which are detailed in this guide). In linear logic, the question mark denotes one of the exponential modalities that control weakening and contraction. The opening question mark in Unicode is U+00BF ¿ INVERTED QUESTION MARK (¿).

For example, these marks are usually left out of acronyms and initialisms today, and in many British publications they are omitted from contractions such as Dr for Doctor, where the abbreviation begins and ends with the same letters as the full word. Disputes over how to refer to a person or group are addressed by Wikipedia content policies, such as those on verifiability, and neutral point of view (and article titles when the term appears in the title of an article). Avoid redundant subset terms (e.g., mis-constructions like Among the most well-known members of the fraternity are included two members of the Onassis family or The elements in stars include hydrogen, helium, etc.).


This is because a paraphrase is an indirect quote, and in the course of any composition, it is important to document when one is using a quotation versus when one is using a paraphrased idea. As noted below, in some older texts, the quotation mark is repeated every line, rather than every paragraph. The Spanish convention uses closing quotation marks at the beginning of all subsequent paragraphs beyond the first. A convention is the use of square brackets to indicate content between the quotation marks that has been modified from, or was not present in, the original material. But there are still applications which still use the older character sets, or output data using them, and thus problems still occur. Alan Paton used this style in Cry, the Beloved Country (and no quotation marks at all in some of his later work).

Quotations from non-English language sources should appear with a translation into English, preferably a modern[j] one. Quotations that are translations should be explicitly distinguished from those that are not. Indicate the original source of a translation (if it is available, and not first published within Wikipedia), and the original language (if that is not clear from the context). Italicize only the elements of the sentence affected by the emphasis.

However, the question mark is very commonly used, especially in casual and creative writing and in manga. It is generally known formally as 疑問符 (gimonfu) or less formally はてなマーク (hatena māku), but the katakana form of “question mark” (クエスチョンマーク or クエッションマーク) is also common. The comma (読点, tōten) is used in many contexts, principally for marking off separate elements within a sentence. In horizontal writing, the comma is placed at the bottom right of the preceding character. In vertical writing, it is placed immediately below and to the right of the last character, in a separate square if using genkō yōshi.

When writing vertically, brackets are rotated clockwise ninety degrees. Therefore, it is omitted in translated foreign names such as “O’Neill”. Likewise, the hyphen is used only when writing translated foreign names with hyphens. Otherwise, it is not used in Chinese and is omitted when translating compound words. Many ancient Chinese books contain thousands of words with no spaces between them; however, when necessary to explicitly denote a pause or break, judou marks such as “。” and “、” were used. In Dota 2, an exclamation mark is shown above the head of a unit if it is killed by means not granting enemies experience or gold (if it is “denied”).

Opening and closing question marks in Spanish

The term “Turabian” or “Turabian style” refers to the style guidelines that serve as a standard reference for college and graduate students writing research papers, providing an introduction to Chicago-style formatting and citation. Notice the comma mark is within the quotation marks in this instance. Quotes indicating verbal irony, or other special use, are sometimes called scare quotes. They are sometimes gestured in oral speech using air quotes, or indicated in speech with a tone change or by replacement with supposed[ly] or so-called.

“I think it is nine years since I went to communion! I haven’t thought about it.”

“You are a good one!” remarked Oblonsky, laughing. “And you call me a Nihilist! But it won’t do, you know; you must confess and receive the sacrament.” An en-dash is sometimes used in place of the em-dash, especially so in newspaper texts. A quotation dash is also used, and is predominant in belletristic literature. In Eastern Europe,[clarification needed] there was hesitation between the French tradition «…» and the German tradition „…“. Our copyists place this sign in the books of the people of the Church, to separate or to indicate the quotations drawn from the Holy Scriptures.

The top six seasons all came on the National League side and the other three 60-homer seasons were completed by Yankees players. Genius mode for chat is far more accurate than standard chat and more likely to get the facts correct. This program supports AWS’s commitment to helping its ISV customers drive business growth through the power of a cloud technology foundation. Through access to expertise, services, and programs like Passport, software companies can boost efficiency, grow more quickly, and scale securely while unlocking the innovation they need to compete globally. This section was adapted from content contributed by Russell Harper, the editor of The Chicago Manual of Style’s Online Q&A.

A Japanese space is the same width as a CJK character and is thus also called an “ideographic space”. Ellipses (リーダー rīdā (leaders), 点線 tensen (dotted line), or てんてん ten-ten (“dot dot”) indicate an intentional omission or abbreviation, or a pause in speech, an unfinished thought or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence (aposiopesis). As in English, brackets are used in pairs to set apart or interject text within other text.

The part alternation mark 〽 (庵点 ioriten or 歌記号 utakigō) is used to indicate the beginning of a song, or the beginning of the next player’s part. In manuscripts that contain a mixture of Japanese and Western characters, the Western full stop may be incorporated as well. In the Swift programming language, a type followed by “!” denotes an “implicitly unwrapped optional”, an option type where the compiler does not enforce safe unwrapping. The “!” operator “force unwraps” an option type, causing an error if it is nil.

Use an ellipsis (plural ellipses) if material is omitted in the course of a quotation, unless square brackets are used to gloss the quotation (see § Brackets and parentheses, and the points below). Use italics within quotations to reproduce emphasis that exists in the source material. If it is not clear that the source already included italics (or some other styling) for emphasis, add the editorial note [emphasis in original] after the quotation. Do not capitalize directions such as north, or their related forms (We took the northern road), except where they are parts of proper names (Great North Road, Great Western Drive, South Pole).

The commas here are bracketing commas, used as usual to set off weak

interruptions; their presence has nothing to do with the presence of a quotation,

which is itself properly marked off by the quotation marks. For example, in French, a guillemet may be used to initiate running speech, with a dash to indicate each change in speaker and a closing guillemet to mark the end of the quotation. Other usages of quotation marks (“quote„ for double, ‹quote› for single) are obsolete in Portuguese.[citation needed]. In Brazil, angular quotation marks are rare, and curved quotation marks (“quote” and ‘quote’) are almost always used. An example of this can be seen in the difference between a Portuguese keyboard (which has a key for « and ») and a Brazilian keyboard. In formal Japanese, no particular symbol is used to mark interrogative sentences, which end with the normal Japanese full stop (。).

In “Pavements,” viewers are taken behind-the-scenes of Perry’s process adapting the band’s songs into the medium alongside composers Keegan DeWitt and Dabney Morris, breaking down the tunes into such meticulous detail that it’s almost comedic. Despite musical theater seeming almost antithetical to Pavement’s ethos, the show debuted to glowing reviews. Only Mark McGwire (twice) and Sammy Sosa (three times) have gotten to the 60-homer barrier multiple times.

Full point, full stop, or period

The first letter of every word in such a name is capitalized (Alpha Centauri and not Alpha centauri; Milky Way, not Milky way). Words such as comet and galaxy should be capitalized when they form part of a proper name, but not when they are used as a generic term (Halley’s Comet is the most famous of the comets; The Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy). Japanese, for example, uses a sentence-final quotative particle tte verbally to mean “I heard (quote)” with some uncertainty. In sentence-medial position, tte is sometimes regarded along with to to be either a quotative particle or complementizer meaning “I heard (quote)” with less uncertainty and often more knowledge of the origin of the quote. The distinction between indirect speech and free indirect speech is mostly one of style, hence free indirect speech is sometimes described as a free indirect style.

The name given to “!” by programmers varies according to their background, though it was very common to give it a short name to make reading code aloud easier. In the UK the term pling was popular in the earlier days of computing, whilst in the United States, the term shriek was used. It is claimed that these word usages were invented in the US and shriek is from Stanford or MIT; however, shriek for the !. Sign is found in the Oxford English Dictionary dating from the 1860s. Avoid adding too many invisible comments because they can clutter the wiki source for other editors. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Check that your invisible comment does not change the formatting, for example by introducing unwanted white space in the rendered page.

  • Concise opinions that are not overly emotive can often be reported with attribution instead of direct quotation.
  • This does not apply to direct quotations or the titles of works (The Ascent of Man), which should not be altered, or to wording about one-gender contexts, such as an all-female school (When any student breaks that rule, she loses privileges).
  • Using a breakable space of any kind often results in a quotation mark appearing alone at the beginning of a line, since the quotation mark is erroneously treated as an independent word.

The hybrid sign is not italicized (Rosa × damascena), nor is the “connecting term” required in three-part botanical names (Rosa gallica subsp. officinalis). When an English variety’s consistent usage has been established in an article, maintain it in the absence of consensus to the contrary. With few exceptions (e.g., when a topic has strong national ties or the change reduces ambiguity), there is no valid reason for changing from one acceptable option to another. A title should be a recognizable name or description of the topic, balancing the criteria of being natural, sufficiently precise, concise, and consistent with those of related articles. New content added to this page should directly address a persistently recurring style issue.

If the information is important and the concern is article density or length, consider dividing the article into more sections, integrating unnecessarily list-formatted information into the article prose, or splitting the article. Choose colors such as maroon and teal that are distinguishable by readers with the most common form of colorblindness, and additionally mark the differences with change of font or some other means (maroon and alternative font face, teal). Loanwords and borrowed phrases that have common usage in English – Gestapo, samurai, vice versa – do not require italics. A rule of thumb is to not italicize words that appear in major general-purpose English dictionaries. Avoid words and phrases that give the impression of straining for formality, that are unnecessarily regional, or that are not widely accepted. The en dash (–) has several common functions beyond its use in lists and running text.

Different typefaces, character encodings and computer languages use various encodings and glyphs for quotation marks. The use of English quotation marks is increasing in Spanish;[citation needed] the El País style guide, which is widely followed in Spain, recommends them. Hispanic Americans often use them, owing to influence from the United States. Sumitsukikakko (隅付き括弧, filled brackets), also known as lenticular brackets. Lenticular brackets are also used as quotation marks in the Japanese language.

Once Perry came on board, the band had been tapped for two 2020 reunion shows at Primavera Sound to mark its 30th anniversary — but then the pandemic happened, and plans were pushed. But it was during what Perry describes as the “COVID vacuum” when the magic really happened and he was able to fully develop his unique approach to the film. Pavement also strangely blew up on TikTok with the “Brighten the Corners” B-side “Harness Your Hopes,” bringing newfound recognition from Gen Z and reigniting love from older listeners. By the time Pavement played its reunion tour in 2022, the band meant something totally different in the cultural zeitgeist. When placed above the relational symbol in an equation or inequality, a question-mark annotation means that the stated relation is “questioned”. This can be used to ask whether the relation might be true or to point out the relation’s possible invalidity.

In the United Kingdom, however, Oxford University Press began publishing its own style guide, originally titled Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press, Oxford, in 1904 (two years before Chicago). Known informally as “Hart’s Rules,” after the original author, Horace Hart, the Oxford style guide continues to be published today, with the most recent edition titled New Oxford Style Manual (2016). The Chicago Manual of Style became a standard reference in part because of its early publication date at a time when university press publishing in the United States was just getting off the ground. Today, the University of Chicago Press is considered the largest academic press in the United States. It is also one of the oldest continuously publishing presses, according to the Association of American University Presses, with Johns Hopkins University Press (founded in 1878) being the oldest. Though either guide’s recommendations might seem prescriptive, English is a fraught language, with many potential gray areas.

By contrast, American English typically uses double quotation marks to identify the outermost text of a primary quotation versus single quotation marks for inner, nested quotations. The closing single quotation mark is identical in form to the apostrophe and similar to the prime symbol. The double quotation mark is identical to the ditto mark in English-language usage.

For example, when signifying feet and inches, arcminutes and arcseconds,[16][17][18] or minutes and seconds, where the quotation mark symbolises the latter part of the pair. For instance, 5 feet and 6 inches is often written 5′ 6″, and 40 degrees, 20 arcminutes and 50 arcseconds is written 40° 20′ 50″. When available, however, the prime should be used instead (e. g., 5′ 6″, and 40° 20′ 50″). Prime and double prime are not present in most character sets, including ASCII and Latin-1, but are present in Unicode, as characters U+2032 (dec. 8242) and U+2033 (dec. 8243), and as HTML entities ′ and ″. Double quotation marks are also often used to represent the ditto mark.

Whether these are single or double depends on the context; however, many styles, especially for poetry, prefer the use of single quotation marks. In Windows file and folder names, the straight double quotation mark is prohibited, as it is a reserved character. The curved quotation marks, as well as the straight single quotation mark, are permitted. French uses angle quotation marks (guillemets, or duck-foot quotes), adding a ‘quarter-em space'[a] within the quotes. With proper localization, computers automatically add the proper spacing. Even more commonly, many people put a normal (breaking) space inside the quotation marks[citation needed] because the non-breaking space cannot be accessed easily from the keyboard, or because they are not aware of this typographical refinement.

Now in its ninth edition, with multiple contributing writers and editors, Turabian (as it is usually known) continues to emphasize the value of strong research questions, evidence-based arguments, logical structure, and source citation. The Chicago Manual of Style is an American English style guide published by the University of Chicago Press. The Manual’s guidelines for publishing, style and usage, and citations and indexes—known as “Chicago style” rules and recommendations—are among the most widely used in the United States, especially in academic and book publishing. The grammatical principle has become stronger in contemporary Russian. It specifies conventional orthographic forms to mark grammatic distinctions (gender, participle vs. adjective, and so on).

Unjustified changes from one acceptable, consistently applied style in an article to a different style may generally be reverted. Over the years, each edition has sought to address contemporary questions from readers that have arisen via the continued evolution of language and technology. For example, the proliferation of computers—including digital publishing techniques facilitated by the internet and social media—have created a host of new style-related questions, many of which are addressed in recent editions. The Chicago Manual of Style has become a staple reference for writers and editors, in part because it was one of the first style guides to be published in book form, and the only one from an academic press in North America. (Other style guides are published by professional associations.) Eventually, the Manual became a canonical work synonymous with its home institution, akin to the Oxford English Dictionary.

In North American English, these words are almost invariably treated as singular; the major exception is that when a sports team is referred to by its short name, plural verbs are commonly used, e.g. the Heat are playing the Lakers tonight. A semicolon (;) is sometimes an alternative to a full stop (period), enabling related material to be kept in the same sentence; it marks a more decisive division in a sentence than a comma. If the semicolon separates clauses, normally each clause must be independent (meaning that it could stand on its own as a sentence). In many cases, only a comma or only a semicolon will be correct in a given sentence. These are the news and magazine style of “pulling” material already in the article to reuse it in attention-grabbing decorative quotations. This unencyclopedic approach is a form of editorializing, produces out-of-context and undue emphasis, and may lead the reader to conclusions not supported in the material.

Fullwidth question mark in East Asian languages

With the ability to scale software capabilities on a robust cloud-first technology foundation, software companies can generate revenue in new regions and offset the costs of global growth faster. Chicago style is comprehensive, and can address most questions relevant to writing, editing, and publishing in any discipline. Intended originally as a guide for publishers of academic books and journals, it is especially popular in the humanities and social sciences. Chicago style is also used widely by students and by publishers of novels and trade books. Many English style and usage guides exist, and many organizations have their own in-house guides. Some guides are specific to particular fields like law, whereas others have more general applications.

There is generally no space between an opening quotation mark and the following word, or a closing quotation mark and the preceding word. When a double quotation mark or a single quotation mark immediately follows the other, proper spacing for legibility requires that a non-breaking space be inserted. When a double quotation mark or a single quotation mark immediately follows the other, proper spacing for legibility may suggest that a thin space ( ) or larger non-breaking space ( ) be inserted. Primary quotations are orthographically distinguished from secondary quotations that may be nested within a primary quotation. British English often uses single quotation marks to identify the outermost text of a primary quotation versus double quotation marks for inner, nested quotations.

  • The optional subscription unlocks additional benefits, including skipping waiting rooms, faster message generation (roughly 3x faster), access to an exclusive community channel, and early access to new features.
  • If you opt for logical punctuation, you will have the satisfaction


    knowing that you are on the side of the angels, but you should also expect some

    grim opposition from the other side.

  • This page outlines how different Wikipedians have interpreted the official style in certain situations, and is offered as guidance for others looking for style advice.
  • The sounds that are presented are those of the standard language; other dialects may have noticeably different pronunciations for the vowels.
  • In horizontally written manuscripts that contain a mixture of Japanese and Western characters, the full-width comma may be incorporated as well.

When available, however, primes should be used instead (e.g. 5′ 6″, and 40° 20′ 50″). Prime and double prime are not present in most code pages, including ASCII and Latin-1, but are present in Unicode, as characters U+2032 ′ PRIME and U+2033 ″ DOUBLE PRIME. With narration of direct speech, both styles retain punctuation inside the quotation marks, with a full stop changing into a comma if followed by attributive matter, also known as a speech tag or annunciatory clause. Americans tend to apply quotations when signifying doubt of veracity (sarcastically or seriously), to imply another meaning to a word or to imply a cynical take on a paraphrased quotation, without punctuation at all. Hart’s Rules and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors call the British style “new” quoting.

For people and things identifying with multiple nationalities, use a hyphen when using the combination adjectivally and a space when they are used as nouns, with the first used attributively to modify the second. Do not insert any spaces where an en dash should be unspaced (see § Other uses for en dashes). The meaning of a sentence containing a trailing clause that starts with the word however depends on the punctuation preceding that word. A common error is to use the wrong punctuation, thereby changing the meaning to one not intended.

It’s important to make sure you use the exact words from the original text. In most literature essays, it’s better to use shorter quotations in a precise way rather than write out very long quotations. You can use single inverted commas ‘ ’ or double quotation marks “ ” to punctuate the quotation.

Quotation marks[A] are punctuation marks used in pairs in various writing systems to identify direct speech, a quotation, or a phrase. The pair consists of an opening quotation mark and a closing quotation mark, which may or may not be the same glyph.[3] Quotation marks have a variety of forms in different languages and in different media. Straight single and double quotation marks are used in most programming languages to delimit strings or literal characters. In some languages (e. g. Pascal) only one type is allowed, in some (e. g. C and its derivatives) both are used with different meanings and in others (e. g. Python) both are used interchangeably. In some languages, if it is desired to include the same quotation marks used to delimit a string inside the string, the quotation marks are doubled. For example, to represent the string eat ‘hot’ dogs in Pascal one uses ‘eat ”hot” dogs’.

Avoid unwarranted use

In 2000–2001, a minor revision of the 1956 codification was proposed. These two points have been the topic of scientific debate since at least the middle of the nineteenth century. For example, unstressed /o/ (spelled ⟨о⟩) is usually pronounced [ɐ] or [ə], but радио (‘radio’) is pronounced [ˈra.dʲɪ.o], with an unstressed final [o]. Note again that each component in the final production retains its basic form, despite the vowel reduction.

It is more common in online writing, although using CSS to create the spacing by kerning is more semantically appropriate in Web typography than inserting extraneous spacing characters. If such a passage is further quoted in another publication, then all of their forms have to be shifted up by one level. Another style of quoting is to use an em-dash to open a quote; this is used almost exclusively for quoting dialogues rather than for single statements, and is virtually always the one used for that purpose in works of fiction. The interpunct ・ (中黒, nakaguro, “middle black”) or “katakana middle dot” (as the Unicode consortium calls it) is a small dot used for interword separation. Unlike the English full stop, it is often used to separate consecutive sentences, rather than to finish every sentence; it is frequently left out where a sentence stands alone.

Surprisingly, the character voice feature is available for all users, even free – this allows you to assign an AI voice to your character or create one from a voice sample. Aaron Judge is likely going to win his second AL MVP award in three seasons this year. He is having another phenomenal year at the plate, and while the focus is on his home runs as he blows past the 50-homer mark once again, CBS Sports’ Mike Axisa urges fans to look at other reasons how Judge is performing at the dish. Aaron Judge has gone three whole games (and four whole days) without hitting a single home run.

Often, if the components are reversed there would be little change of meaning. Thus, in French a place name such as Trois-Rivières (‘Three Rivers’) is hyphenated, when it would not be in English. Semicolons are used in addition to commas to separate items in a listing, when commas alone would result in confusion. This section applies to both round brackets ( ), often called parentheses, and square brackets [ ].

Famous quotations are frequently collected in books that are sometimes called quotation dictionaries or treasuries. Diaries and calendars often include quotations for entertainment or inspirational purposes, and small, dedicated sections in newspapers and weekly magazines—with recent quotations by leading personalities on current topics—have also become commonplace. The Manual has been revised numerous times, including a major revision—the 12th edition in 1969—that definitively established the Manual as an industry leader on style matters. The first edition to incorporate “Chicago” in the title was the 13th edition, published in 1982; previous titles had been variations on A Manual of Style. The change reflected the way readers typically referred to the manual.

In the beginning of the novel Dickens establishes the details of Scrooge’s character for his reader by using a collection of negative verbs and powerful similes.But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grind- stone, Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.

Despite a series against the Nationals without a dinger, Judge has still homered 10 times in his last 16 games. This three-game “drought” is in fact only the second time in August that he’s gone three or more games without hitting a home run (Judge went six games without homering between Aug. 4-10). Along with the technical guidance provided by AWS, the company has also partnered with global growth consultancy, Think and Grow, to provide its counsel as software companies scale their businesses. This includes workshops, deep-dive interviews, reports, strategy, and execution consulting. “Meeting the needs of our international customers and deploying Fortra solutions in ways that meet their regulatory requirements is incredibly important to us,” said Paolo Cappello, GM, international sales, Fortra.

Capitalize names of regions if they have attained proper-name status, including informal conventional names (Southern California; the Western Desert), and derived terms for people (e.g., a Southerner as someone from the Southern United States). Do not capitalize descriptive names for regions that have not attained the status of proper names, such as southern Poland. Names of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, stars, constellations, and galaxies are proper names, and therefore capitalized (The planet Mars is in the constellation Gemini, near the star Pollux).

Different varieties and styles of English have different conventions regarding whether terminal punctuation should be written inside or outside the quotation marks. Use italics when mentioning a word or character (see Use–mention distinction) or a string of words up to one sentence (the term panning is derived from panorama; the most common letter in English is e). When a whole sentence is mentioned, double quotation marks may be used instead, with consistency (The preposition in She sat on the chair is on; or The preposition in Chat GPTShe sat on the chair” is “on”). Quotation marks may also be used for shorter material to avoid confusion, such as when italics are already heavily used in the page for another purpose (e.g., for many non-English words and phrases). Mentioning (to discuss grammar, wording, punctuation, etc.) is different from quoting (in which something is usually expressed on behalf of a quoted source). Quotation is done with quotation marks, never italics, nor both at once (see § Quotations for details).

The editors at the University of Chicago Press (like those at AP) have sought to establish clarity and consistency while at the same time remaining flexible and cognizant of the fact that context may call for individual discretion on style matters. The Turabian style guide is published by the University of Chicago Press and closely follows The Chicago Manual of Style, such that the term “Chicago/Turabian” is also used in some instances. The primary differences are the scope of the Turabian guide, which is narrower than that of CMOS, and its target audience of students. More information about the Turabian style guide and its history is available on The Chicago Manual of Style’s website. The colon is used exclusively as a means of introduction, and never, as in slightly archaic English, to mark a periodic pause intermediate in strength between the semicolon and the full stop (period) (cf. H.W. Fowler, The Kingˈs English, 1908). Except for the use of hard and soft signs, which have no phonetic value in isolation but can follow a consonant letter, no phoneme is ever represented with more than one letter.

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